zApp's Powerful Class Hierarchy

zApp is packed with specialized classes not offered by the competition, including classes for MDI dialogs, data entry forms with character-by-character validation, transparent MDI, geometry management classes, text panes with printf, automatic scrollers with built-in keyboard handling, and font, pen and brush stacks. Because of the depth and variety of the functionality offered by zApp, Windows Tech Journal called it "probably the most diverse and comprehensive class hierarchy." They also added that zApp class hierarchies offer "the most GDI support..." and "the most comprehensive, object-oriented approach."

Although impressive, a listing of zApp's functionality doesn't tell the whole story. zApp's versatility comes from how its class hierarchy is structured, with classes that are related by the function they perform. Unlike other application frameworks, which are all derived from a single superclass, zApp is actually a collection of multiple class hierarchies, each with its own set of functionality and responsibility. The result is a more streamlined and efficient application since classes are not burdened with functionality that doesn't apply to them.

The press raves about zApp's class hierarchy. .EXE magazine (which awarded zApp its "Editor's Choice Award") concludes "that's where the pleasure comes from--it's a sense of relief at finding a company that implemented classes for Windows in a sensible, non-dogmatic fashion." Dr. Dobbs Journal, also commenting on zApp's refined structure, reports, "Good class libraries whisper the design in your ear. This is the case with zApp."

A Look at Some zApp Classes

Background Tasks

With zApp, you can assign a particular function to operate as a background task. When the user is not interacting with the program, your function will be processed automatically.


zApp's bitmap classes allow you to create or modify bitmaps using the drawing functions of the display classes. These functions allow you to move, stretch, and perform other operations on the bitmaps.


zApp's comprehensive set of twenty-five controls provides you with an extensive palette of user interface components that simplify creating state-of-the-art applications. These include edit controls, push buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, list boxes, and combo boxes that provide you with a platform-native look and feel. Data from these input controls can be configured to directly modify your application's data structures. The zApp Interface Pack extends these with controls that provide an enhanced appearance featuring 3D font effects, 3D panels and group boxes, bitmap buttons, and more.

Display Classes

The zApp display classes provide a consistent way to draw on a variety of devices. Displays have been skillfully designed so that you can use the exact same drawing code to render on diverse output devices.

Formatted Edit Controls

zApp features a comprehensive set of formatted edit controls for editing both strings and numbers. These controls validate user input on a character-by-character basis, provide guide characters, support internationalization, and also also provide methods for retrieving data from and storing data to variables. Using picture strings, you can easily format phone numbers, social security numbers, and any other strings that you can imagine. You can tie zApp's formatted edit fields directly to your own data structures.

Form Dialogs

zApp's form dialogs provide automated processing for data input tasks. With form dialogs, each control is checked for valid data when an attempt to close the dialog is made. If the data is valid it is stored in the variables associated with each control. All of these actions are done in one easy step with zApp.

Font Support

zApp's full-featured font support allows you to access any of the fonts resident in the underlying system, as well as change their size, density, style, and other attributes.

Geometry Management

zApp's geometry management facility presents you with a powerful and intuitive method of logically positioning objects on the screen. For example, you can simply say "Put the toolbar on the top, the status line on the bottom, and fill the rest of the area with the spreadsheet," and zApp will automatically position all of these elements, even when the main window is resized.

Graphics Support

State-of-the-art applications frequently make use of extensive graphics. That's why we have put so much time and effort into our graphics classes. Pens, brushes, ellipses, rectangles, regions, bitmaps, text, and fonts, are just a few of the fully-supported graphics items.

MDI (Multiple Document Interface)

zApp's support for MDI goes beyond any native platform support. zApp's window architecture lets you take an application originaly desiged for a single document interface and convert it to MDI by simply changing the inheritance. Display and input code does not have to be rewritten. Menus for MDI child windows are also handled automatically. When the user switches between different child windows, zApp takes care of adjusting the main menu. In addition to providing full MDI support, zApp has two special MDI classes, zMDIDialogFrame and zMDIFormDialog. These have all the functionality of regular dialogs and forms, while having all the capabilities of a regular MDI child window.


zApp's menu class provides the capacity to easily create advanced menus that interact with the toolbar and other screen elements. Menus can either be created from a resource or created dynamically.

Numerical Edit Controls

Numerical edit controls allow you to edit numbers with advanced formatting and validation. For example, a zFloatEdit can read and write to a float variable. More importantly, it can format the number either as a currency (with full internationalization) or a number with full control of the number of digits.

Object Persistence

Using a streams interface, you can easily store and retrieve objects on disk.

Pens and Brushes

zApp's pen and brush classes allow you to carefully control the appearance of lines and geometric shapes, including color and texture.

Scroll Bar

Classes such as zPaneScrollerAuto allow you to easily add scrolling capabilities to your windows. By simply adding a few lines of code to your application, your users can easily browse through larger amounts of data. Also, a standard keyboard interface is included by default.


zApp's set of powerful window classes provides you with the essential building blocks for your applications. From main window applications to advanced form dialogs to a myriad of controls, zApp's window classes have been carefully crafted to be both easy to use and easy to customize.

And much more...

zApp includes too many features to fully describe here. Other zApp features include DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange), common dialogs, flexible message handling, logical unit classes (metric, English), clipboard, metafiles, and support for DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) or shared libraries.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact zApp Technical Support.

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